Saturday, February 15, 2020

2020 How To Improve Your Golf Swing Timing

Golf swing timing is a key factor in being able to repeat a mechanically sound swing for 18 holes. In fact it is true to say that correct timing is everything. This is the main reason why golfers need to concentrate when taking a shot. Golf swing timing has to do with the way the golfer controls their body and swiftly gets his muscles and body organs to swiftly respond to commands from his brain. Actually the identical situation any athlete or performer finds themselves in. Interestingly enough many athletes and performers have got exercise sessions worked into their program where they condition their bodies to maintain the highest levels of performance. Yet golf swing timing is a situation that is as demanding and in many cases more so, than the situation faced by many athletes. Still many amateur golfers expect their body and muscles to respond without any exercise or muscle conditioning in preparation for their golf swing timing. Of course it does not happen and this is the reason why many amateur golfers continue to struggle with their golf game, hardly improving over a number of years. Most professionals on the other hand, take a lot of time and care to condition their bodies and muscles for the perfect golf swing timing. The results always show. Part of the reason why this situation has persisted for many years is because traditionally golf has been viewed as a leisure game to be played with little or no prior preparation. This view has caused numerous golfers to fail to enjoy their golf game and in some cases to acquire nagging injuries on their bodies, even as they fail to achieve any reasonable golf swing timing. And yet golf fitness is not as tough and rigorous as some people make it out to be. Some of the exercises can even be done in your office when you have a moment to spare. 15 seconds at a time in your work station is adequate. The bare fact is that as a golfer it will be very difficult to achieve good golf swing timing without attaining golf fitness first. Copyright © 2020 ,,